I’m not sure why Carrie decided to wriggle half out of her shirt, but was really hard not to laugh when she did. So instead I took pictures! This is the first time she’s managed to extricate herself from any clothing that isn’t already part way off (besides shoes and socks). I figure she’s going to get really good at it right about the time the weather warms up. At least we won’t need to buy her any new clothes for the summer, since she probably won’t keep them on.

And for those who don’t have enough evidence yet that I’m a terrible mother since I allowed Carrie to run around half naked in order to find both the camera and the camera card, here’s more: Carrie sitting on the couch, watching T.V., next to big stinky dogs! Molly gave me the look that said (read in the whiniest voice possible) “Mom, she’s touching me again!” and hopped off the couch after this picture:

Murphy on the other hand was not only more than happy to take up the empty spot on the couch, he consented to being used as a pillow. I guess he likes watching Signing Time.