If this was how Carrie always watched TV, she would never get to watch it at all. But she was having a super cranky no-nap day last weekend, and we asked her what she wanted to do. She signed “blue” and said “clue!” so we let her watch Blue’s Clues, and this was how she opted to watch it. Normally she’s up and dancing and signing along with the show, but I guess she just needed 20 minutes to be a couch potato. I think it’s pretty funny that she figured out how to slouch like this – I don’t think Denis or I do that while watching TV, but she has to have gotten it from one of us…
Today, though, I am not a couch potato: I joined a gym today! They have childcare, so I should be able to go some mornings and let Carrie play for a half hour or so while I work out. And lest you think Carrie is always watching TV, we also go to a gym for her – the building on the school campus that houses pre-K holds an open gym each week where they get out balls and blocks and mats and such. Carrie adores it, and it’s something of a workout for me as well, because I’m constantly chasing her or lifting her up to make a basket. I think I can get to my gym three times a week, and her gym once a week, and now that the weather is warming up we should be able to go for walks on some of the other days. Maybe by the time we go to Disney this July I’ll actually be in a little better shape?