Carrie’s spoken vocabulary has taken off at an amazing rate. At last count she had over 70 words, but that was over a week ago and I’d guess she’s up to more than 100 now. Some of her more recent additions are “no!”, accompanied by furious head-shaking and – and I can hardly believe this myself but it’s been repeated and witnessed several times – she counts to ten. Well, mostly. She refuses to believe in the existence of the number 7. This is extra amusing because this evening at the bookstore I was looking through board books about numbers so I could encourage this new-found interest and the first one I picked up was misprinted and went 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10. I was tempted to buy it anyway.
But the cutest, most adorable thing in her entire vocabulary is how Carrie says the dogs’ names. Specifically, how she says Murphy’s name. If you click on the picture below it should take you to a quicktime clip (638 KB) of Carrie saying the dogs’ names.

The other morning after Carrie woke up but before I went in to get her, Murphy barked at something. The next thing I heard over the monitor was “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy! Uh-oh! Mercy!” I hope I never forget that, that when I’m old and senile I can still remember that sweet little voice calling out for Murphy.
Too cute! Gi is figuring out how to hand food of to the dogs from her high chair (Ripley is so tall that she can pet her while sitting in it) She hangs something over the side till one of the dgos comes over, drops it, and laughs hysterically.