Remember the doll bassinet I mentioned making for Carrie? Well, it’s done! I still need to make the little toddler-sized diaper bag to go with it, but all things in good time.

Some of the neat details are that I actually quilted the blanket and stuffed the pillow – the pattern called for each of those to be one layer of batting and two layers of fabric. I also skipped sewing a piece of cardboard into the bottom. That would make a well-constructed, washable project completely un-washable, plus when the cardboard inevitably got bent it wouldn’t look so great.
I started a simple stripey sleeveless sweater for Carrie to wear for the spring and summer. It actually went so quickly that I finished the back in two days. The benefit of no sleeves is that I can’t succumb to second sleeve syndrome. And the best part? I dove into my stash and came up with the yarn! Yep, if I keep doing stripey projects like this and the bunny, I’ll have knit through my stash in, oh, maybe 73 years?

Don’t be fooled into thinking that because you can’t see all those ends that I’ve already hidden them. They’re just tucked under the edges. But that’s because I’m planning on sewing them into the seams, really!
And although I am trying to stick to doing one project at a time, after I started the sweater for Carrie I got the yarn I had ordered for a Mother’s Day gift, so I’m switching between those two for now. Luckily, the mystery project is pretty small, since I only have a couple of weeks to finish it!
I also finished the June cross-stitch and brought that and November to the framer’s for stretching the other day. I’m on a roll for finishing things, and it’s a lot more fun than having tons of unfinished projects haunting me from my knitting bag. Now I just have to get up the nerve to pick FLAK back up and see if I need to rip the sleeve back…maybe after I’ve finished another couple of projects…