I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth, it’s just been a busy week. Denis was on a business trip until early Friday morning, so I was playing single mom to a toddler and two dogs. I honestly don’t know how people do it. I was desperate to have another adult watch Carrie for five minutes so I could have just five little minutes to do something by myself! The other thing I did this week was make a cake for my great-great-aunt’s 90th birthday party:

It’s not a great picture, but it turned out far better than I’d anticipated. If you don’t count the writing. I suck at writing on cakes. I can practice on wax paper and have it turn out perfectly, but the pressure of writing on the actual cake…I just can’t handle it. I actually ended up scraping off the writing and re-icing the top of the cake three times before I gave up and let it be whatever it was going to be.
As a gift, since my aunt is an avid gardener, I gave Carrie a watering can and let her have fun in the flowers I put in our front boxes. Most of the water ended up on her dress, soaked into her socks, and covering the random ants crawling around, but I got some really cute shots. I made the background on this one black and white so the focus was on Carrie and the flowers.