I finished my candy corn socks today! This makes 6 pair I’ve made for myself. We won’t talk about the three (or four?) pair sitting on spare needles/stitch holders in various baskets around my craft room! There should be enough stripey yarn left to make a hat to match Carrie’s sweater and socks, I just need to find a pattern I like. Carrie seemed to be pretty amused that we had the same socks on this afternoon. After I took this first picture she came and sat in between my legs so she could stick her feet out straight next to mine. Then she “helped” me take some pictures of our feet. A couple came out pretty well considering I was holding onto the camera for dear life!
To celebrate finishing a project, I picked up another project that’s been in the “current” list for almost two years: the woven tumbling blocks table runner. I sewed the borders on tonight, tomorrow night I’ll start sewing the binding on. It’s almost embarrassing how little work was left on this when I abandoned it…
I also finished upgrading the crafts section of the site. I think all the links will work and/or redirect automagically. If you notice something broken, leave me a comment and I’ll fix it. It’s definitely a lot slicker, and updating things will be so much easier now!