Potty Success!

Woo-hoo! Carrie went pee-pee in the potty tonight! (Yep. I just used the word “pee-pee”. Get over it.)

This was all because she was stalling before bedtime. First she insisted on using the potty, sat on it for maybe half a millisecond, then ran into her room. When I followed her and said it was time to put on a diaper, she said “no, more potty!” and ran back into the bathroom. We did this three times, and the last time she actually sat long enough to do something! Yippee! No one was more surprised than she was, I think.

Carrie’s asked to use the potty before just about every diaper change for at least the past month, but this is the first time she managed to produce anything. Is this the start of potty-training? Probably not. Is it a step in the right direction? Definitely.

On The Lighter Side

I seriously need to copy Heather’s sign for my front door. My dogs start barking if the UPS truck even dares to stop somewhere on our street. And if the doorbell rings? They feel it is their duty to bark loud enough and long enough to make sure I know that the doorbell? It rang.

I’ve taken to listening for any delivery truck that might stop by during naptime (why is it always during naptime?!?), and I literally shove shoes on my feet and leave the house to meet them part-way up my driveway (rain, sleet or snow can’t stop me) so that they never have to ring the bell. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for all the neighborhood kids on foot and bikes who are selling tickets to car washes and raffles and what-not as fundraisers. The kids’ parents, though, might not appreciate the language on that sign…