Since Carrie has decided that she’s too big to sit in her high chair anymore (although sometimes she still randomly decides to) I thought I should get her a booster seat. Not anything that looks like a “baby” booster seat, with straps and a tray, just something to make it easier for her to reach the table.
In my online travels (I seriously buy more stuff online than at stores now – what did we do before the internet?) I found the leachco booty boost. We just got it yesterday. I think Carrie likes it (please ignore my really messy kitchen in the background):

Aside from the cute name, this particular booster has a strap to attach it to the chair and a waist strap for the kid. So far it’s working out well, we’ll have to see how truly washable it is since it’s fabric over polystyrene beads. Supposedly it can go right in the washer and dryer, but I’m suspecting that it won’t look so fabulous after that. Eh. For $20, if she’ll sit in it instead of standing on a kitchen chair, I guess it doesn’t matter how stained it gets.