I haven’t “fixed” the rss feed yet, but from this point forward any Carolyn-related posts are going to require a sign-in. I’ve chosen to use TypeKey, as it’s already tied into my commenting system. If you would like to continue reading updates about Carolyn, get yourself a TypeKey account, send me your username at sarah AT sarahsthreads DOT com, and once I’ve added you to the people who are allowed to read these posts you should be able to see them. Assuming I don’t know you IRL, please also send me a link to your blog or an email address you’ve used to comment here before. ETA: Please use the subject “TypeKey ID” – a couple of requests have ended up in my junk mail folder and I want to make sure I don’t lose any! This way I can filter them out before the junk filter gets to them.
I’m sorry. I really hate having to do this. If it were just me, just my pictures, I wouldn’t bother. But Carrie’s safety has to come first, and it really hit home last weekend just how sick people on the internet can be.
Now that I’ve made a decision and taken some action I should be back to posting regular old happy things again.