I Can’t Decide!

OK, so I wanted to see what one of my ads was all about (Knitting Fanatic T-Shirts – how could I pass that up?) so I copied the link, pasted it in another browser window, realized that it still copied all the referrer stuff and I had essentially clicked on my own ad, and then got sucked in by what I saw and decided to stop worrying.

While I can still decide what clothes Carrie wears (well, at least I can decide what to buy, she decides what to actually put on every morning) I have to get her one of these t-shirts. Should I go with Knitter-In-Training, Sometimes Mama’s just gotta knit, or Sheep? (I’d consider Mama is a yarn ho, except if Carrie learns to read early I don’t want to answer that question…) Maybe I could get her two, if I size up so she can wear them for a longer time?

2 thoughts on “I Can’t Decide!

  • July 3, 2006 at 8:56 am

    I like the sheep. I agree, you don’t want them to tell your secret about being a yarn ho (if it is a secret) lol! Have a great holiday!

  • July 4, 2006 at 1:58 am

    My favorites are the Sheep and Knitter n Training.

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