“I Want Coffee Too”

After a terrible night that involved Carrie sleeping (I use that word loosely) in our bed for several hours, it seemed like she was up for the day at 6:30. I said to Denis, “well, there’s nothing for it but to make a big pot of coffee”. To which Carrie replied, “I want coffee, too!” At least, that’s what it sounded like to both of us, and when asked to repeat herself, she clearly said “want coffee!”

What a nut!

Luckily for us, after this exchange she put her head down on the pillow and when I asked her if she was sleepy she said “crib!” Only it sounded more like “crap”, and it took a couple tries for me to figure it out. But then she want back to sleep in her crib until almost 10. I think she’s working on one of those big back molars, based on the amount of drool, but since it’s still pretty early for her to get them I’m guessing it’s going to be a long few months.