Leavin’ on a Jet Plane…

In a mere 12 hours we’ll be on our way to Disney. It’s Carrie’s first time on a plane, and our first time packing checked bags and carrying on stuff for three people instead of two. It’s something of a logistical nightmare, because while we have three tickets’ worth of luggage allowance, there are only two people who can lug/tow/carry/push whatever we bring. Plus, that third person requires a car seat and a stroller.

We think we can tandem two rolling suitcases together. That leaves a stroller to push, a backpack to wear, a diaper bag to shoulder, a car seat to carry, and a toddler to corral – because there’s not a chance in the world she’ll actually consent to sitting in the stroller for more than 27.3 seconds.

The thing is, all of Carrie’s stuff easily amounts to twice what Denis and I are taking combined. How can a person so small need so much stuff?!? There are diapers, dollies, binkies, diapers, straw cups, books, toys, diapers, stickers, snacks, crayons, bibs and diapers. (All those diapers would be daytime diapers, nighttime diapers, swim diapers, and carry-on diapers.) We’re currently arguing over whether it’s really necessary to try to bring the booster seat with us. I vote no. Denis votes yes. The laws of physics are going to side with me tomorrow morning when we try to cram our toiletries into our already overstuffed suitcase. (I’m way better at spatial relations than he is.)

Theoretically, I’ll be able to blog from the house we’re renting. If not, see you all when we get home. :)

One thought on “Leavin’ on a Jet Plane…

  • July 10, 2006 at 9:08 am

    Hope y’all have a wonderful time.

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