Look what came in the mail today! Aren’t I lucky?

My secret pal was Valerie, and she did such a wonderful job on my kit! (I, on the other hand, did a terrible job photographing it. I was too scared to go outside on the deck (see last night’s post) and take advantage of natural light.) I really love both sock yarns – the pink one has aloe in it! – and I’m sitting here trying to convince myself that I really need to finish the gift socks I’m currently working on before I can even swatch the yarn. I was thinking that the crazy stripey yarn looked kind of familiar…and then I realized it’s all the colors I’ve just redecorated the

(Remind me not to leave my finished socks laying around on top of that blanket, or I’ll never find them.)
Thank you so much, Valerie!
I don’t have to feel guilty about getting my kit, because Carrie and I went to the post office this morning and mailed out my pal’s kit:

I had the hardest time giving this bag away, because I love the fabrics and how it turned out. I really hope my pal loves it just as much!