Massive cleaning is underway over here. We’re (finally) finishing converting the upstairs office into a guest room, the basement family room into a family room/office, the bedroom into a bedroom/weight room, and the craft room into…something approaching a clean craft room.
There are boxes of things I need to sort through. I won’t frighten anyone with a picture of how many boxes, but I don’t think Denis really understood exactly how much stuff I have in that room until today. (He tried to tell me I couldn’t buy any more yarn until I knit everything I had. Obviously, the man doesn’t understand the rules of stashing. I told him he should read Yarn Harlot. He said I had to own more yarn than she does. I seriously doubt it.) In my own defense, a fair amount of the contents of the boxes is stuff that doesn’t belong in my craft room in the first place – over the past two years it had become the catch-all room for anything that didn’t have a home but needed to be put somewhere – but instead of sorting before boxing I decided I’d go through it all later. The priority was getting the bed out of there and into the guest room.
Under the bed, I had two under-bed storage boxes with fabric in them. I poked through them briefly before dinner and found this:

There are, I kid you not, 5 3/4 yards of the three coffee-themed fabrics and 1 3/4 yards of the “coordinating” ugly brown fabric. I vaguely remember buying this intending to make placemats – I think, but don’t quote me on this, that it was my senior year of college, when I was renting instead of living in the dorms – but holy
What on earth do I do with it now?