I know they’re really just extras, but I always worry a little when I build some pre-fab something-or-other and end up with extra screws and such:

But look what I built! It took me a whopping 90 minutes, I think because I was using a screwdriver that wasn’t quite the right size – I had to really lean into it to avoid stripping the screws. I don’t understand why it is that whenever I need a flat head screwdriver I can only find phillips head, and vice versa. (This happens to me even with the three or four multiple bit screwdrivers we have in the house. The right bits always seem to be missing.)

This is the Target Play Wonder kitchen. It’s wood, and cheaper than most of the plastic ones, and conveniently enough (probably since I shop at Target a lot) it coordinates with all the toy storage and such in the
Carrie spent the evening baking lego cookies and giving her baby a bath in the sink. I think it’s really interesting that she dug through her legos and found the two that are actually food items (a honey pot and a cake from a Winnie the Pooh set) and used those in the frying pan. I guess wooden play food would be a good birthday suggestion when people ask. :)