“I Love This!”

I’m still here – major work is underway for the second birthday party, and I’ve been spending every free moment lately working on Christmas gifts, which explains the lack of posting. However, I couldn’t let these little sayings go without writing them down:

The other day we were walking through Sears, right by the jewelry display. Carrie dropped both our hands, ran up to the display, put her hands on the glass and said “I love this!” Then she walked over a couple of steps, and repeated herself, and again…we’re in trouble!

After dinner this evening, Carrie was getting her crazies out by hopping around the first floor. Denis remarked (quietly) “what a nut!”. Carrie came hopping back into the kitchen saying “what a nut! what a nut!”

Also after dinner: I told Carrie “I love you!” She leaned in close and said “I love me too!”

And finally, Carrie was begging for a diaper change (unneeded) over the monitor after we put her to bed. I went up to change her and when I walked in to the room she stuck out her tongue, pointed to it, and said “tun hath oo-oo, nee an-ay!” (Translation: “tongue has boo-boo, need band-aid!”) Why she thought I’d give her a band-aid for her tongue when she won’t even keep one on her finger is beyond me.