Carrie was interested in being a butterfly this year – at least, that’s about the one thing she’s tried to dress up as with her playsilks, so I figured it would be a good costume for her – but I couldn’t find a toddler-sized butterfly costume. The closest I could come was something else with wings: a fairy. (And no, I don’t make Carrie’s costumes. I’m officially a slacker-mom.)
Carrie totally got into the whole fairy thing, though, and went around “Poof!”-ing people with her wand. Before we went trick-or-treating she “Poof!”-ed me into a triangle. And the whole trick-or-treating concept? Yeah, that was a huge hit. I could just see what she was thinking: “You mean I ring the doorbell, look cute and say “trick or treat” and people give me stuff? And if I do something cute like wave my wand and say “Poof!”, they laugh and give me *more* stuff?!?” The first couple of houses we went to Carrie tried to give the people in the house the candy she already had in her ghost bucket. Luckily those were all family members and were good sports about giving it back when she changed her mind!
When all was said and done, between the houses we visited by car and the part of our street we walked down, Carrie trick-or-treated for over an hour. By the time we got back to our house she was practically skipping along, happily shrieking like a banshee, and “Poof!”-ing everyone and everything she saw. And then she devoured an entire slice of pizza (!) and a package of mini M&Ms. Ahhh, such a good, healthy dinner. Yep, I’m a good mom. (At least she had milk with her pizza!)
It was another really mild Halloween, like last year: nearly 60°F, although it was misting for a while we were out. Good thing, too, because a coat wouldn’t have worked so well with wings!