Dear Carolyn,
Today you are 26 months old. It’s also Grandma’s birthday and Christmas Eve, so it’s been a very exciting day.

This has been the month of songs. You still can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but you know the words to so many new songs. A lot of them are the songs we tossed in a playlist to listen to on our way to visit Nana and Poppy, but others are holiday songs like “Jingle Bells” and “Christmas Bells Are Ringing”. One of your favorite songs to sing is “Where Is Thumbkin?”, but you sing “where is pumpkin” instead.
We’ve started the switch to having you sleep in a toddler bed. It began in a desperate attempt to have a place for you to sleep on our trip – we recently discovered that you are too tall for the pack & play and didn’t want to find out whether you could actually climb out. You loved your inflatable Winnie the Pooh bed so much that when we got home you insisted on sleeping in it still. Luckily, we got our hands on a gently used toddler bed pretty quickly, so you’re switching back and forth between the bed and the crib.

This has been such a fun month of holiday preparations as well – we’ve baked so many cookies, and decorated the house. You’ve really enjoyed all of that, and keep asking to decorate more things. In fact, tomorrow we’ll put the last ornament on your advent tree, and I think you’re going to miss it.

And, the biggest news of all? While we were at our Christmas Eve party this evening, you did your first somersault! You were very, very excited about that. I’m sure skipping, tricycles, and monkey bars aren’t too far behind. In fact, I’m willing to bet that the day you start driving I’m going to wonder how time went so very fast!
Love, Mommy