Potty Talk & Lima Beans

Darn it, I’ve been mentally saving up cute things Carrie has been saying lately, and now that I sat down to blog about them I can’t remember most of them.

One thing that was especially cute was New Year’s Eve: Lisa and Greta and their families came over for the afternoon. Carrie was thrilled to be running around and playing with all the other kids. At one point she asked to sit on the potty, and while I was sitting there with her she asked if we could go downstairs and watch “Sesee Street”. When I replied that she had already watched Sesame Street, and didn’t she want to go play with her friends instead, she said, “yes, watch Sesee Street with my peoples!”

And about that sitting on the potty thing… Carrie has intentionally pooped in the potty twice. I know most kids start out peeing in the potty, but apparently mine just has to do things in her own order. I’m actually not pushing this at all – she asked to sit on the potty both times, told us that she needed to go, and after a bit she went. Whether this turns into full-blown potty-training or not is entirely up to her at this point. She’s asked a few other times and not done anything, but usually it’s because one or another of her friends has just gone and peer pressure seems to work even at this young age.

I also have the weirdest kid ever. Today I convinced her to eat more macaroni and cheese with the promise of more frozen lima beans. I have no idea where her love of frozen lima beans came from, because I can’t stand them – frozen, cooked, or anywhere in between. The ironic thing is that it’s usually the other way around, with parents bribing their kids to eat more veggies by withholding yummy things like mac-o-cheese. (That’s her word for macaroni and cheese. “PBJs and jelly and bread” is how she describes peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.)