OK, now that I’ve played for 5+ hours of auditions, I have West Side Story music permanently embedded in my brain. (This condition, of course, will last through the end of the show – and probably a bit longer than that – in late April. Sigh.) Can’t you hear it? Snap, snap, snap, snap…
Anyway. Carrie’s been singing a lot lately. (I’m starting to even hope that she might not be tone-deaf, since if I sing along with her she’s starting to try to match pitch.) But she doesn’t quite get all the lyrics right. My two current favorite mangled lyrics are:
“Do, a deer, a e-mail deer” – I guess she’s heard the word “e-mail” a lot more than the word “female”! The scary part is she knows all the words to this song. Too bad it was last year’s musical. Maybe I can teach her the “I feel pretty” song from WSS?
“Where is pumpkin? Where is pumpkin?” – this one’s a little odd, since she does know that the handy-dandy opposable appendage on her hand is called a “thumb”, but she insists that it’s “pumpkin”, not “thumbkin”.