We were social butterflies this weekend! Saturday was a holiday party with Denis’ new office. The party was held at Casa Larga, which was actually where we had our wedding reception. It brought back some really great memories, and it was a fun party despite the fact that neither of us knew most of the people there. We actually wound up dancing quite a bit more than usual (mostly so we wouldn’t look so awkward sitting at a table by ourselves) and had a blast.
Sunday, of course, was our friends’ Super Bowl party. Jenny took first place in the poster contest, and her poster was definitely fabulous. Our take on a sign that we’d hold up if we were in the stands during the superbowl was a little less polished, but we still won second place:

And honestly, who would have really wanted to be sitting there in all that rain, when they could be comfortably watching the game (and the commercials) in a nice cozy room with lots of good food and friends?