1. Having a 102 degree fever for a day sucks. Still being sick several days later sucks more.
2. It’s really, really, really hard to parent a two year old when you can’t speak louder than a whisper.
3. It’s a good thing to have an abnormally well-behaved two year old.
4. On the other hand, having a two year old who has for several days in a row decided 6:30 AM is a better wake-up time than 8:00 AM? That’s not so good.
5. School cancellations are even thrilling as an adult, provided the listings contain the school you’re supposed to be rehearsing at later.
6. Having the school cancellations online is brilliant! Especially when the school you’re looking for starts with “V”. Waiting through the list being read on the radio was pure torture in high school.
7. Ordering a tricycle online in the middle of a blizzard is a rather odd thing to do, even if it was a great deal with free shipping.
8. Knitting a sock, on the other hand, is a wonderful way to pass the time during a blizzard.
9. Practicing “Cool” for an hour straight and still not playing it up to tempo is not fun.
10. A husband who make yummy soup, handles all the toddler dinnertime needs, and attends to bath and bedtime without complaint is worth his weight in gold. He deserves some serious cookies when this cold is gone…