Our 6th annual St. Patty’s Day party was today. It was a blast! The power went out an hour before everyone was supposed to come. Luckily, I had already vacuumed. Unluckily, the corned beef and scalloped potatoes were still cooking. Denis went out and fired up the generator so the crock pot (with the potatoes) would keep on cooking, and then he fired up the grill and stuck the giant roasting pan of corned beef in the grill.
Shortly after the first guests arrived the power finally came back on. But all things considered, it wasn’t a huge problem, just a minor inconvenience. A generator is a good thing.
And now for the really crazy part of the day: at one point, there were 10 children five and under in my house. That’s a lot of small humans in one place at one time. But they all got along really well and everyone played really nicely.
I also decided that I haven’t taken enough pictures at these parties throughout the years, so I chased people around with a silly hat ($1 at Target!) and took pictures of (almost) everyone in it. (I think I missed a couple of the kids – they didn’t stay still long enough, and if they weren’t willing I didn’t push the issue.)

More silly hat pictures are here.
Off to go call the power company again, since the power just went out again. Yay for laptops and DSL…the power going out didn’t cause me to lose my post!