
I’m still here. I’m feeling a lot better – we even participated in Jenny’s soup swap today. The rest of the weekend was spent being mostly lazy, with a rehearsal and a trip to the bike store for a toddler-sized helmet thrown in for some variety.

I haven’t really felt much like knitting lately for some reason, but I did finish a couple of things last week. Pictures tomorrow if I can overcome the urge to do nothing all day. I really need to get back into a routine at some point soon…

Magic Words

I don’t remember where I ran across this idea, but I read somewhere that kids Carrie’s age have this belief that words are magic – as in, if they say something, then it becomes true. So what adults perceive as lying in small children is really just the child trying to alter reality to make it the way they think the adult wants it to be.

Carrie obviously believes in the power of her words. Since I’ve been sick, she says “I give you two kisses Mommy, to make you feel better”, kisses me twice, and then says (while wagging her finger at me) “You are not old, and you are not sick. You are just fine!”

Don’t ask me where she got the old part from. No idea. Especially because if you ask her how old I am she says “three!”

I wish she were right, and the words worked like magic. I’d like to not be sick anymore. Being stuck in the house for most of a week with a toddler while not feeling 100% is really not the most fun I’ve ever had in my life.

But I suppose the “magic words” concept explains why I can tell her a half a dozen times that we don’t have any bagels in the house to eat for breakfast, and yet she’ll insist that we do. I guess to her I’m making the bagels go away after she’s already willed them into existence…

Recent Observations

1. Having a 102 degree fever for a day sucks. Still being sick several days later sucks more.
2. It’s really, really, really hard to parent a two year old when you can’t speak louder than a whisper.
3. It’s a good thing to have an abnormally well-behaved two year old.
4. On the other hand, having a two year old who has for several days in a row decided 6:30 AM is a better wake-up time than 8:00 AM? That’s not so good.
5. School cancellations are even thrilling as an adult, provided the listings contain the school you’re supposed to be rehearsing at later.
6. Having the school cancellations online is brilliant! Especially when the school you’re looking for starts with “V”. Waiting through the list being read on the radio was pure torture in high school.
7. Ordering a tricycle online in the middle of a blizzard is a rather odd thing to do, even if it was a great deal with free shipping.
8. Knitting a sock, on the other hand, is a wonderful way to pass the time during a blizzard.
9. Practicing “Cool” for an hour straight and still not playing it up to tempo is not fun.
10. A husband who make yummy soup, handles all the toddler dinnertime needs, and attends to bath and bedtime without complaint is worth his weight in gold. He deserves some serious cookies when this cold is gone…

Yet More Cute Sayings

Quite a few funny toddler moments these past few days:

We watched Sammy on Tuesday afternoon, and the kids were playing follow-the-leader around the house. When I asked Carrie what they were playing, she said “We playing fun!” And then they proceeded to “play sleepy!” where they laid down on the couch, covered themselves up with a blanket, and pretended to snore.

When Denis walked in from work yesterday, we were playing with play-doh. Carrie announced, “Daddy, look! I playing play-doh with my friend Mommy!”

When I was getting ready for band last night, Carrie said “I go to band with you Mommy, PLEEEEASE?” I said she could when she’s bigger, and asked her what she wanted to play. Her reply? “Drums! And a cucumber.”

And then this morning I was trying to get Carrie downstairs so I could have a cup of the brown elixir of life (aka coffee) and she ran back into her room. She was shouting, “Mommy, there’s a monster under my bed!” I started to panic, thinking she was already starting the nighttime fears thing – despite the fact that it was already morning – and then I realized she’d dug out “baby monster”, the one-eyed plush critter I bought for her at Starbuck’s around Halloween. Maybe when she’s older, “baby monster” can live under her bed full-time to chase away the other monsters?