Today Carrie colored eggs for the first time. I didn’t even bother for the last couple of years, but I thought she might enjoy it. Well, that’s an understatement! She’d drop the eggs into the dye (we had a couple of casualties with her method) and say “Bye, bye egg! See you later!”
Unfortunately I couldn’t find a “normal” egg coloring kit. You know, the Paas tablets that you dissolve with hot water and vinegar? No, there were several varieties of another brand: glitter eggs, tie-dye eggs, painted eggs… So I bought the kit with the paints. Carrie was delighted. Me? Not so much. Check out the kid’s hands:

Plus, the dye colors just didn’t look the way they should. The purple was magenta and the green looked exactly like the blue. I wound up putting the “purple” eggs into the blue and the “green” eggs into the yellow to make them actually look right. Yes, I’m picky about my colored eggs. Next year I’m buying a Paas kit if I have to go to ten different stores to find one!

Besides the eggs, we also made some cut out cookies of bunnies, chicks (or ducks), eggs and flowers. Carrie still only dabs a tiny bit of frosting on her cookies, but now she likes to pile up as many sprinkles as she can on that wee little dollop of frosting.
Now I just have to try to make her very colorful hands a bit less colorful before church tomorrow…