Dear Carolyn,
Today you are officially two and a half. We celebrated by going and getting our hair cut. Actually, I got my hair cut, and then you wanted a hair cut too, so we’re now sporting matching kicky summer styles. I’m a little sad, because your hair was finally getting long enough to braid, but now you actually look two and a half – strangers kept assuming you were much older between your hair and your height.

You are so excited that it’s spring. Every time anyone walks out of the house – to get the mail, take the dogs out, go to work, or anything else – you immediately drop what you’re doing, run to the foyer, start putting on your sandals and exclaim “I go out too because it’s spring!” I think you’re having a hard time understanding that sometimes when it’s spring you still need to wear a coat and socks! You’ve been having so much fun outside with your tricycle and your chalk that I can’t blame you for wanting to be out there as much as possible. We’ve also been planning what flowers to plant in our garden this spring – you’re sure you want purple – and I have a feeling gardening is going to be one of your new favorite activities. Maybe we’ll try planting a container garden of vegetables on the deck this year.

Your imagination has really taken off this month. You have an imaginary friend, Mimi, and you have tea parties with your baby dolls. You love to pretend to be things, like an octopus or a puppy. The other day you wanted me to be Carolyn while you were Mommy. For some reason you didn’t want to fix me a snack, though…
This has also been a month of fine motor skills. You’re starting to hold crayons and pencils the “right” way – and you favor your right hand when you do, so it looks like you’re not going to be a lefty like me. You want to know how to write letters. I think you may learn how to write before you learn how to read! You’ve also discovered that you can form your fingers into the ASL numbers and letters – including the “ILY” sign for “I Love You”. It’s amazingly cute (and wonderful) to flash you the ILY sign and have you sign and say back “I love you too Mommy!”

I figured out today that you’ve been here for more than 900 days. Even if I’ve only given you 11 kisses every day (and that’s a pretty low estimate, because you’re awfully kissable) I’ve already given you 10,000 kisses. Mwah!
Love, Mommy