What a nice day we had – if you don’t count the fact that it was cold and snowy enough to be Christmas instead of Easter!
Carrie was thrilled to find a half-eaten carrot next to her Easter basket when she came downstairs for breakfast. I didn’t leave it there, so the Easter bunny must have raided the fridge while we were sleeping. But he left behind a Little People Easter train for Carrie, along with a couple of books and a small stuffed bunny.

We went to church, where I very nervously played piano and sang – I can’t believe I used to do this every week (sometimes twice!) and it was so normal, and now I get nervous and shaky and choke up when it’s time to sing the descants – and Carrie did a fabulous job of being quiet and attentive and good sitting out in the congregation instead of the “cry room”.
We talked Carrie into taking an early nap, and then headed to my Grandma’s for dinner. Carrie was hungry and as we were setting the table she kept saying “We eat now? Time to eat?” and I’d tell her we were almost ready. Finally she got fed up with waiting and said “OK, we eat now. We eat cake!” But she was happy enough with the ham instead – actually I think she ate more ham than I did – and wasn’t too disappointed that dessert was fruit and the cookies we baked yesterday instead of cake.
The only thing we didn’t do was any sort of egg hunt, but it was too cold outside really. There’s always next year!