Almost Done…

  • The walls are painted.
  • The floor is in.
  • The trim is installed.
  • The furniture is back in place.
  • The bed is made.

It really is lovely. If it weren’t so dark out right now I could take pictures and show you, but as Denis pointed out it’s a lot darker in there than it used to be. (That’s kind of inevitable when you go from white walls to, well, anything not white.)

Now I just need to put the finishing touches in – like finding all of the stuff that was on the dressers and the walls (well, maybe there will be less stuff on the dressers and more stuff on the walls). And a couple of throw rugs might go a long way towards getting rid of the echo…echo…echo that the new wood floor has created. We still have to put in a closet organizer, and at some point this summer the sagging bathroom wallpaper will be replaced with paint, but at this point I’m just thrilled that we’re back in our own room!