Dear Carolyn,
Guess what? You’re as old in months as I am in years. (Yes, that means I’m old.) Every day I realize that the toddler is disappearing a little and leaving a preschooler in her place. Some days you shock me with how big you’re getting, how helpful you are, what you can do by yourself, the words you know.

I didn’t mention it last month, but you stopped nursing 10 days before you turned 2 and a half. I’m really happy that you stopped when you were ready – to be honest, I was ready too! Now one of these days we’re going to have to work on that binky habit. (Just promise me you’ll give it up before kindergarten?)
Mimi is still a regular fixture in our lives. Sometimes she goes away for a couple of days, but then she’ll suddenly be in the car needing to be buckled in, or be the one who’s splashing all the water out of the tub. And when you’re not playing with Mimi, you play with your dolls. I bought you trucks, balls, blocks…and guess what? You love your dolls best of all!

Lately, you sing all the time. You make up songs about what you’re doing right at that moment, you sing songs from the Wiggles – if there isn’t music playing you make it up yourself. I think it’s funny now that I was (just slightly) worried that you’d be tone deaf since you only recited the words to songs. Not that you get the tunes quite right, but there’s plenty of time for you to learn that!
Next month’s big challenge will be potty training. We started this week, and you’ve had some successes, some accidents, and some surprisingly long dry stretches. (I’m starting to suspect you’re part camel.) As part of this process, we bought a package of Dora panties today. Oh, how it pained me to buy something character related to put on your body, but they were the ones you picked out for yourself. (Then again, the diapers you wear have characters all over them too, so I suppose it’s nothing your bottom hasn’t seen before.) You are so excited about having big girl panties to wear.

So, my silly, funny, musical girl…another month gone, and you’re closer to three than two. There are days when I’d swear you’re two going on thirteen, but most of the time you really are a fabulous kiddo. It really is true: time flies when you’re having fun!
Love, Mommy