Tomorrow is June 1st, which means Project Spectrum shifts from pink, yellow and green to red, black and metallics. I didn’t do such a great job with my projects for these past two months. Let’s see…

One sock + one toe. I have no excuse for these, except that they’re my “purse project” that I pull out when I’m waiting somewhere with free hands. I guess I haven’t had to do any waiting that didn’t also involve occupying a toddler at the same time lately.
Baby sweater:

Back + part of one front. My excuse for this one? I’m not sure I like the color combo as much as I thought I would. I think I’d like stripes better than the squares. But as it’s about half done (I’ve finished the first front, started the second, and hidden some ends since I took the picture) I guess I’ll finish it anyway.
I’m also not feeling the love for the next set of Project Spectrum colors. My sock pal does like red though, and since I haven’t gotten yarn for that project yet (must do that soon!) those may have a bit of red in them. Other than that…no idea. Maybe I’ll finish up some of the abandoned projects from the last two color triads instead!