Couch to 5K

I think I must be completely insane, but I decided to start a running program. I found some podcasts for the couch to 5K program, loaded up the first week on my ipod, and hit the gym this morning. I think it will probably take me more than the nine weeks to complete it though, because I couldn’t really run for the full 60 seconds for all eight intervals for this beginning week. Maybe I’ll count this as week 0.5 and do week 1 again next week?

Anyway, I managed to survive it, so that’s encouraging. I’m tentatively thinking that instead of walking in this years’ Barktober Fest, if I can really manage to stick with this program, maybe I’ll be able to do the 5K run. Oops, I just realized it says 5 miles NOT 5 kilometers…maybe I could still work up to that?

Yep. That proves it. I’m insane. What on earth am I thinking?!?