
There were probably things we should have spent today doing, but it was such a beautiful morning we decided to jump in the pool instead.


And then we invited the dogs in for a swim. Molly loves the pool:

Murphy, on the other hand, is not a water dog. But he does like to run up and down the sides of the pool while Molly swims back and forth. I think he thinks he’s a lifeguard.

I’m Such A Joiner.

Partly because of the Yarn Harlot, and partly because I remember Julia doing it last year, I joined the Mystery Stole 3 knit-along.

Please don’t ask me why. I can’t for the life of me think of any place I might wear a lace-weight stole. But for some reason, the temptation of lace knitting, beads, and a project that I won’t know how it looks until it’s finished…I couldn’t resist.

Of course, I had neither the required lace weight yarn nor the required beads in my stash. So I visited a not-so-local local yarn shop in my area and swung by a bead shop on my way home. The color suggestions were black or white, but I wound up with a lovely green shade of Jaggerspun Zephyr. Off to swatch!

One Down, One To Go

The first sockapalooza sock is done! I have to say, I love cables in socks, even if the colors are a little too busy to see them well.


I did the picot cuff for the second sock at Sit & Knit tonight, so now it’s just a matter of doing the same thing I did for the first sock. I’ll easily be able to make the deadline if I don’t get distracted by too much! Now I have to start thinking of what other little goodies to send my pal.

Happy Fourth!

Our nieces Lizzy and Michelle – and their parents, of course! – are spending a couple of days with us. It was pretty rainy today, so we spent the day at the Strong Museum. Carrie was beyond thrilled to be there with her cousins – and was also quite excited to run into Simone there – and (I think) it made up for not being able to spend the day in the pool.

Unfortunately, the annual fireworks display that you can see from the top of our street apparently didn’t happen this year. I can’t say I’m all that disappointed – Carrie was already asleep, and fireworks really stress Molly out – but I know that Lizzy and Michelle were looking forward to them.

Pampered Chef

My Uncle John is a Pampered Chef consultant, so I hosted a party for him yesterday. The food was excellent: a sausage calzone (can’t find the link) and a berry salad, plus a berry tart for dessert. (And I was worried about what we were going to do with all the berries from Friday – they’ve pretty much all been eaten already!)

I can’t wait for all my neat new kitchen toys gadgets to arrive!