Did You Know…?

Did you know that your morning newspaper is delivered at 3:00 AM? I found that out this morning, when I got home just as the truck was pulling away from my mailbox. On the upside, we’re a lot closer to being done with inventorying all the yarn.

On the downside, I slept in until 9:15 because Carrie didn’t wake up as early as usual, and playgroup was at my house. At 10:00. My house which hasn’t been cleaned regularly in months.

After a frantic 42 second shower and lots of pleading, cajoling, threatening and bribery to get Carrie into clothes and downstairs, I did a mad dash around the house to put away the very non-toddler friendly crap that has accumulated in every corner and on every flat surface in all the “public” rooms. At 9:59 AM the coffee was brewing and I managed to eat a bowl of cereal…

And nobody showed up until almost 10:30. At least the house was clean. Ish.