Dear Carolyn,
Today you are three years old! You didn’t quite believe us at first, because you thought you needed to have a party before you could turn three, but I think we managed to convince you by the time Daddy left for work. (You’re still waiting, patiently, for your ladybug cake, though!)

In honor of your birthday, you told your first joke. Your great-grandparents called to sing you Happy Birthday. When your grandpa asked you about it at dinner, he said, “I just want to know one thing, were they on key, or were they flat?” And you replied, “No, they were on the phone!” At least, I think you were trying to be funny.

As I predicted last month, things are much more routine and much less stressful. You’re still having trouble with the transition to preschool, but I’m encouraged by the fact that your teachers think you’re adjusting just fine. Maybe we’ll just be spending the next 15 years with you telling me you don’t want to go to school every day?

Mimi has become quite the alter ego for you. You use her all the time to save face now. I’ll ask you if you want something, like pancakes for breakfast, and you’ll immediately say “No!” But then after a couple of beats you’ll say, “But Mimi thinks I should…” Now Mimi’s Mommy and Daddy apparently live with us too, and if there’s something you think I don’t want you to do, you’ll tell me that Mimi’s Mommy told you not to do it. Hey, whatever encourages you to eat the occasional meal and keeps you from climbing on the back of the couch works for me.

It takes my breath away to see how much you’ve grown since the day I met you. There are days that feel like years all on their own, but when I look back at the years it feels like it’s been just a few days. It’s so cliché, whenever anyone says how quickly it goes by, but it’s so very true. You’re three now, and you’ve learned how to open the refrigerator door, get dressed and undressed, and use the potty pretty much independently, and I’m worried it won’t be much longer before you don’t really need me for much of anything. But, I promise, I will always be here when you do need me. Happy Birthday, baby!
Love, Mommy