Let’s Go Buffalo!

There’s only 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter, and against all odds the Bills are ahead 24 to 16. But I’m so tired I can’t keep my eyes open.

If I go to bed now and they lose, will it be all my fault?

Update: I didn’t go to bed, and they lost anyway. And I lost out on some much-needed sleep. Boo.

No Barktober Fest

I can’t tell you how guilty I’m feeling about not doing Barktober Fest this year, but I’ve been so busy I didn’t have time to register and collect pledges. Not to mention the fact that I worked today. (And boy did I work. We’ve gotten several huge shipments over the past few days, all of which need to be inventoried and shelved.)

Maybe next year I’ll be better organized.

Shortest. Virus. Ever.

OK, so how does a kid go from 102.1 at 5:00 PM to completely normal at 5:00 AM the next morning, with no other symptoms??

Just to be on the safe side we’ll spend today at home with some nice DVDs and the comfort foods (juice, soup, chocolate pudding) I bought at some unholy wee hour this morning on my way home from the shop. (Or does 1:00 AM count as last night since I hadn’t gone to bed yet?)

Mom Knows

I don’t know why I never trust my instincts when it comes to Carrie being sick. All morning she was cranky – to the point of being late to school because she dug in her heels (literally) and stomped her feet (also literally) and had multiple tantrums about not wanting to go anywhere. It crossed my mind that maybe she was sick, but she passed the time-tested hand-on-forehead test.

Then at lunch she wouldn’t eat. Anything. And felt kind of warm. But nobody else thought she was warm.

But when she woke up from her nap (she napped!) still incredibly cranky, I finally took her temperature. Uh, 102.1? No wonder she was in a royally bad mood!

I’ll tell you, though, this kid really knows how to work “sick”. I carried her downstairs because she wanted some water, and she was literally moaning in my arms. And then she said in this thin, wavering voice, “Mommy, my TV will make me feel better.” She sat in my lap to watch JoJo’s Circus…and clapped and sang along to everything. But of course, when the show ended, she started moaning again and telling me that she needed more TV to make her feel better.

My kid, the drama queen.

First Fieldtrip

Carolyn’s school went on a field trip to a farm this morning. The parents had to provide transportation, so we all got to stay and participate. Aside from the fact that it rained unexpectedly – poured, really – everyone had a really good time. There was a petting zoo with teeny baby chicks and a big black llama named Suzette, a “corn box” (instead of a sand box), a hay ride, and (of course) pumpkins! The kids even got a train ride, which was really a tractor with a bunch of small animal-themed cars hitched in a line behind it. Cute!


(The kids all have baseball caps in their team animal theme. Carrie’s on the frog team, obviously.)

On the one hand it was really nice to see Carrie in a group of her social peers, but on the other it sort of underscored for me how she really hasn’t formed much of a relationship with any of them yet. There were other kids there who were sticking together, but I don’t really know if they knew each other before school or not. Then again, it’s not like I knew any of the other moms, and I don’t know if I’m just not outgoing enough or if they weren’t, but nobody seemed interested in chatting with me either…

Ah, well, there’s plenty of years left for Carrie to be a social butterfly, right?