Carrie finally got her ladybug cake and her party today. She had a blast playing with her friends – it was basically one big playgroup with pizza and cake.

Lisa and I made Carrie’s ladybug cake using Jenny’s instructions. It was funny – when I searched for pictures of ladybug cakes on google images, out of the thousands upon thousands of cake images, Carrie picked the one that a friend of mine made. Small world, and all that.
After a rousing game of “stick the spot on the ladybug”, during which I learned that 3-year-olds can’t reliably keep their eyes closed, we lit the candles and cut that ladybug into pieces. Delicious ladybug pieces…

This was my favorite cake so far that I’ve made for Carrie. It was so much easier than the others, but she absolutely adored it – probably because she picked it out. And it was fun to learn that I could bake a cake in a pyrex bowl. It had me eyeing my Pampered Chef batter bowl…if Carrie ever requests one of those princess dress cakes – the kind with the doll stuck in the top – that batter bowl is the perfect size and shape for it!
Now, though, I’m so tired I’m ready to fall down. Oh, yeah, that might be because it should really be 11:30 instead of 10:30. Drat that time change!
What a great job you did on her cake! She is never going to forget her very special Ladybug cake. So inventive — you can bake with pyrex?? I never knew. Incredible.
The time change is a misery isn’t it? How is Carrie faring? I am anticipating a long week ahead with whiny, tired, hungry and confused children. Ahhh the joys of daylight savings.