…world’s smallest knitter!

We’ve been hosting the World’s Biggest Sock Attempt at our shop for the past week, and this morning I sat Carrie on my lap and helped her knit a few stitches on it. She actually really got the hang of how the needles moved, she just had some trouble with wrapping the yarn.
So now, when she’s older and people ask her when she learned to knit, she can legitimately say she learned when she was three! (We chanted the children’s knitting rhyme while she did it: “In through the front door, once around the back, peek through the window, and off jumps Jack”.)
I don’t think I have ever heard that rhyme before — it might have helped me. I just learned yesterday that I knit ‘wrong’. I have been wrapping my knit stitches oppositely (is that a word?). At any rate I am endeavouring to switch over — not in any ongoing projects, since it totally changes the way the fabric lays — it is a lot easier than I anticipated.
The World’s Biggest Sock sounds like fun. Though I have seen a contender for that title over at the Yarn Harlot. A first time sock knitter made a single sock that looks like it could double as an adult sleeping bag! Amazing, but true.