Yep, Carrie’s going to be a big sister this July. And she’s ecstatic, excited, and exhaustingly sweet about it!
I hope this explains why I’ve been so incredibly horrid about blogging. I’m so much more tired this time than last time. When I was pregnant with Carrie, I took naps, went to bed early, ate the exactly perfect diet and did everything by the book. This time? I can only apologize in advance to this poor child, who’s already been subjected to more caffeinated soda than can possibly be good for them and the least amount of sleep a pregnant woman can possibly get without falling over. I’m actually already 17 weeks along. I’ve been meaning to blog about this for more than a month, but by the time I manage to stay awake long enough to read discussion boards and catch up on everyone else’s blogs, I’m too tired to write a coherent post. (Technically, I doubt this one counts as coherent either, but I’m too tired to care!)
I have a funny story from when we told Carrie. It was shortly before her Christmas pageant, and I asked her if she knew what it meant to be a big sister. Blank look. So I tried again, and told her that when it’s summer again, when it’s hot, a new little baby is going to come live with us. And she gasped and excitedly said, “Is it the baby Jesus?!?” Uhhhh. Not exactly…
Every day she talks about her “newbabybrotherorsister” (really, she says it fast enough that it might as well be all one word) and how her new baby is going to sleep in her old crib, and she’s going to feed her new baby baby food, and her new baby will be too little to drink from her big girl cups and will have to use a baby bottle, and her new baby is going to play with all her old toys and wear her pink socks that her big girl feet are too big for and…you get the picture, I’m sure.
Carrie keeps asking to listen to the baby in my tummy, and she gives my belly hugs and tells the baby how much she loves him or her. It really is absolutely, wonderfully sweet. Although, I can’t wait to find out if she’s having a brother or a sister, to cut down on the “Mommy, I want a baby brother” requests, followed the next day by “Mommy, I want a baby sister!”
Last time I was sure I was having a girl, and I was right. This time? No clue. I don’t sleep enough to have dreams about boys or girls! But I will be very, very happy either way. And I think Carolyn will too. Especially if she gets to pick out the paint color for the newbabybrotherorsisters room. ;)
Woohoo!!! Sarah, that is so wonderful for you all and I am so excited for you! :) Now I know people due in June, July and August! I hope you are feeling well and that you have better health this time. Each one is different, of course. Baby boys aren’t nearly as scary as one might think, btw. :) Wow! Congrats to you all!
Yay! Congratulations to all of you.
Carrie is going to be a wonderful big sister! How sweet is she?
Love reading all of your posts and I am so happy for you. :-)
Oh Congratulations!!!!!! So excited and happy for you.
Hi! I have a photoblog called CuteBabyFix.com, where we like to post cute/funny pics of babies. I was wondering if I could post and link to your picture of your sweeties wearing the extremely cunning hat of the man they call Jayne? It is totally priceless. You can email me at Cutebaby@cutebabyfix.com. Your craft section is really inspirational- I think I may *need* to knit me a Ma Cobb hat of my very own.
Krista Schmitz
Wow! Congradulations! I’m very happy for you!
It’s been a while since I had the time to swing by your blog — congratulations to your happy little family!