Do you want fries with that?
Between the musical, the cluster of holidays in March, and just general exhaustion (I need to start going to bed earlier!) I haven’t had the time or energy to keep up with my blog. I debated just letting it go, but it’s been such a wonderful record of Carolyn’s life so far that I couldn’t leave it, and I’m assuming I’ll be about as good at filling out a baby book for this next little girl as I was for Carrie (as in, not at all) so I’ll need a place to write down snippets of her life too. So I filled in what I could from my half-written posts and the pictures I’ve taken over the past few weeks.
I’ll try to be better from now on, but we’ve all heard that one before, right?
Oh, and if anyone is looking for my more knitterly pursuits, I’ve decided to stop updating my craft pages in favor of using ravelry. If you’re not a member already, I’ll warn you, it’s kind of addictive. If you’re willing to be tempted by thousands of projects-in-progress, go ahead and sign up! If you already are a member, I could always use another friend! :)