Kite Flying & Bubble Guns

Yesterday was a nice, warmish, windy day, so we got out Carrie’s kite. After figuring out we put it together wrong (the directions were about as clear as mud) my brother and I got it up in the air. But Carrie really wanted nothing to do with it while it was airborne, so instead she spent the afternoon running around with a bubble gun, terrorizing the flowers (she said she was watering them) and getting soap on everyone’s shoes.


Maybe next year she’ll actually want to fly her kite instead of shooting bubbles at it each time it plummets to the ground?

Fun Conversations

Carrie: “I love you Mommy!”
Me: “I love you too, sweetheart, but what about Daddy?”
Carrie: “Well, I love him too, but, you know, not all the way up to my eyebrows.”

Me: “Carrie, what should we call your little sister?”
Carrie: “Top!”
Denis: “Ok, see, ‘top’ isn’t actually a name, it’s a word, can you think of any names?”
Carrie: “Maybe…bottom!”
Sarah: “That’s not a name, either, silly!”
Carrie: *thinks hard*
Carrie: “Eyepatch!”
Me & Denis: “Eyepatch?!?”
Carrie: “Yeah, ’cause then she’d be a baby pirate, and when she cries she’ll say ‘arrrr'”
*my mom interjects*
Grandma: “So the baby’s name is ‘top eyepatch bottom the baby pirate’?”
Carrie: “Arrrrr!”