I’m cleaning out my craft room. Seriously cleaning it out, although I can’t work on it for much more than a half-hour at a time, so it’s going to take a while. So far I’ve managed to dig out a giant rubbermaid tote of yarn I’m going to donate. And tucked in there were these two abandoned sweaters…

This blue/green sweater is something I started for Denis on 8/15/1998…so almost an entire decade ago! There are several reasons why I’ll never finish this. First, it’s made from a cheap yarn with wool in it (he’s allergic to wool, and I’m allergic to cheap yarn). Second, he’s tall. Much taller than the armhole-to-hem depth would suggest. Third, it’s not a pattern I would pick for him now. The only thing that kept me from getting rid of it sooner (besides having forgotten mostly about it for a while) is that it represents a lot of work for the novice knitter I was ten years ago. That much knitting? I could do it in a matter of days now. The yarn, mostly-finished back, and the pattern are all getting donated together. Someone will love it and finish, I hope!

The red sweater. Ah, the red sweater. This is a case of a wonderful pattern being worked up in an awful yarn. Even the best chenille would have been a bad choice for this pattern, but the not-so-great chenille I picked out? Well, let’s just say, I’ve grown a lot as a knitter since then. You’ll notice that all of the knitting is actually done, it’s just a matter of sewing the thing together. I’m not going to. It’s getting donated, and maybe someone else will figure out what to do with it.
There’s a lot more that I need to get rid of, but between these two completely abandoned projects and that big tote of yarn I’ll never use, there’s just the tiniest dent in the piles of stuff all over my craft room!