We did the DADDY pictures again (and Carrie’s “famous”, up on Kodak’s Tips & Projects with this idea!) One more year and Denis will have a complete set – with the first ‘D’ from 2005 and the final letter ‘Y’ from 2009. I think because the two girls will be so far apart in age I’ll start a new one with little sister by herself next year. We’ll see… Other than that, we didn’t really do much today. Denis has gotten the baby’s room primed and ready for painting, and we managed to get in the pool today for a while. That’s about it!
Oh, and I’m 35 weeks along and NOT on bedrest…yet. My blood pressure has been creeping up a bit at each appointment, but considering I’d already been housebound for two weeks at this point last pregnancy, I’m counting every day I’m allowed to go about my normal life as a bonus at this point!