Dear Carolyn,
I blinked and another month went by! We’ve been managing to keep pretty busy, even with Anna taking up so much of our attention. We’ve been going to the farmer’s market, the library, playgroup, playdates…and I’d guess that has a lot to do with why the time is flying by so quickly. The end of summer is just around the corner, and it’s not too long before you go back to school!

You’re turning into a little comedienne: the other day you asked me, “Mommy, how do baby ducks learn to fly?” So I tried to give you a real answer, something about the mommy and daddy ducks showing the baby ducks how to flap their wings, etc, etc…and you got really indignant: “No, Mommy! How do baby ducks learn to FLY?!?” “Um, I don’t know honey, how do you think they learn to fly?” “They just wing it!” You’d think a few days later when you asked, “Mommy, why do birds fly south for the winter?” I would have realized you were making another joke instead of seriously asking. (The punchline, in case you don’t remember later, is “Because it’s too far to walk!” (Bah-dum-bum.))

We haven’t talked about your favorite toys lately, and there’s definitely been a shift recently. You are so into tiny little (choking-hazard-sized) toys now – itty-bitty Hello Kitty dolls, the tiny My Little Pony sets, and now…Barbie, along with all her tiny shoes and things. Gasp! (Just kidding, I have absolutely nothing against Barbie, I just didn’t expect you to want them so soon!) You also have a collection of Calico Critters living in your room, although I left the upstairs gate open one evening while we were out and Molly (apparently) ate half of them. No matter what I give you to play with, you wind up role playing. Two cars? One’s the mommy and the other is the kid. A box of crayons? They more often end up dancing and talking than actually marking any paper. It’s really interesting to eavesdrop on this kind of play, because it usually reflects what’s going on in your life – the good and the not-so-good.

You’re really settling into the big sister role now. Anna smiles at you a lot, because you get right in her face and talk to her, sing to her and shake toys for her. I feel like I’m constantly telling you to be gentle, not wake Anna, wash the peanut butter off your hands, and keep your voice somewhat quieter than banshee-level, but most of the time you are just trying to help…just maybe a bit enthusiastically. I can’t wait until Anna’s a bit bigger and more interactive, because watching you with her now fills me with joy, and it will only get better – until Anna starts trying to play with your toys, of course! You really are my sweet, wonderful little girl. I love you.
Love, Mommy