Anna’s Baptism

20081012_baptism_gown.jpgToday we baptised Anna. Denis’ sister Mary and her husband Lou agreed to be her Godparents, and so everyone gathered at the 9:30 mass to celebrate with us. I was very surprised that Anna didn’t scream about having water poured over her head (she hates having her hair washed!) or having the chrism smeared in her hair. She did make up for it by screaming through the pictures we tried to take after, though.

We had a nice little party in the banquet room of a local restaurant after, and Carrie had a blast running around with her cousins and her friends.

I’m going to have a hard time washing Anna’s hair. I love how the chrism oil smells. (Just looked it up. It’s olive oil scented with balsam that’s been blessed by the bishop.)

Anna did not wear her big sister’s christening gown, as it was long sleeved and velvet (and it was 70+ degrees today, so it’s a good thing we didn’t try to use it anyway!) Instead, my mom knit her the most beautiful beaded lace gown out of a cotton/bamboo blend yarn. It is truly lovely, and I hope someday Anna has a daughter of her own who will wear it!