Dear Carolyn,
I’ve been pretty edgy and tense lately, and I think it’s because I was dreading today. I felt like my baby would be gone, and I’d be left with a big girl I hardly recognized…only, when you woke up this morning, you were still, well, you.

We had a fabulous day today. You started out with school, and had a little birthday party there, with chocolate pudding and a special story that I got to read (you picked Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep again – that was what you picked last year. I guess you like it!) After school we went to Wendy’s for lunch with your friend Joey, and then we went to Build-a-Bear, where you made a monkey…named “Potato”. Finally, we came home and Daddy and I made you a ham dinner (your request) and we had a pumpkin roll instead of a cake (don’t worry, the pink alligator cake is still on the menu for your party next weekend!) You got to open gifts, including the My Little Pony Teapot Palace you wanted so badly, and then you went to bed. Really, it was a wonderful, super day.

This past week I went through and read all the monthly letters I’d written to you up until now. It amazes me how much you’ve grown and changed. And it also amazes me how much I’ve grown and changed. I had no idea what being a mom really meant until you arrived, and although I still sometimes find parenting challenging, being your mom? That’s easy. Because no matter what, I love you.

Love, Mommy