
So I read the whole Twilight series of books, and for the most part enjoyed it. I went to see the movie last night, and it was…underwhelming? For example, I loved the adaptations of both the Harry Potter series (well, the ones I’ve seen so far) and the Lord of the Rings books to screen, but this one didn’t work as well for me.

Of course, that won’t stop me from wanting to see the sequels if they’re made into movies…I just might not run right out to the theater to see them. To be fair, I hardly ever go to the movie theater – this year I’ve seen four movies: Indiana Jones, Twilight, and two free kids movies over the summer. Last year I don’t even think I went to the movies at all!

4.1 Years Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today I told you that I’ve been writing letters to you on my blog, for you to read when you’re older. I wanted to know if that was OK with you, or if you would want me to stop. Now I don’t expect that you know what exactly it means, that these letters are on my blog, but you did like the idea that I was writing them, so I’m going to keep writing to you for now.


This month has brought a whole new set of challenges. In some ways you are so very advanced: you’re reading chapter books on your own, you are a kind, compassionate, polite little girl, you are so smart it’s scary sometimes. None of that’s a bad thing – in fact, your Daddy and I are so incredibly proud of you.

But I think because of all that you’ve been exposed to ideas and concepts that you aren’t emotionally ready for. You’ve been worried a lot lately – about things like who you will marry when you’re older, other people (mostly kids) laughing at you for something you’ve done, worn or said, and even death…your own. It’s challenging to try to calm your fears while not giving you other things to worry about in their place. (Note to self: trying to explain heaven? Not so helpful.)


On a lighter note, you’ve overcome some pretty big challenges yourself this month. You had a little setback in remembering to use the potty when you needed to, but you got yourself back on track. You were also getting into the bad habit of chewing on your hair, but after realizing how hard it made it to get a brush through it, you made a conscious effort to stop doing it – as a semi-reformed nail biter I understand how hard it is to break habits like that!

And you really are such an extremely helpful, wonderful big sister. You heard Anna sneeze over the monitor one morning when you’d crawled into our bed sometime in the wee hours. I was not quite awake enough to get up, but you got out of bed, went into Anna’s room, and I heard you pull out a tissue and say “Here you go, baby!” – turns out you wiped your sister’s runny nose through the slats of the crib. Everyone keeps saying that things will change when Anna starts crawling and trying to play with your toys, but I really believe that if you’re pulling toys away from her it won’t be because you don’t want her to have them, but because you want to keep her safe.


And that brings us full circle… Carolyn, it’s my job to keep you safe, to worry about things so you don’t have to. I can’t pretend to know what your future holds, who you will marry – or if you even will. I can’t tell you that you won’t be laughed at. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that at some point in your life you will be. And no one knows how much time they have in life. The only thing that is certain is that we all die eventually – just hopefully not until we’ve lived full, rich lives. So, your job is to stop worrying, and instead enjoy every moment life has to offer you.

Love, Mommy

What We Moms Have To Do Sometimes…

You know, being a mom can be tough. But so far I’ve found there’s nothing I can’t deal with if it involves one of my kids, even if it’s something that as an outside observer I’d never be able to handle.

Such as getting puked on in the middle of the checkout lane at Target.

If you had asked me yesterday, I’d have said I’d never be able to handle that. Instead, I calmly asked for an empty plastic bag when I realized it was about to happen (unfortunately it was just a half a second too late), then asked for some tissues to clean up the kid, apologized for leaving them a mess (I did offer to help clean it, but they said they’d handle it), and drove my poor sick baby home to clean her up and snuggle her.

Unfortunately, she’s going to miss her Thanksgiving celebration at preschool tomorrow, and she’s pretty upset about that. But I learned today that I can be a strong, calm mom when it counts.

Kid-Free Evening!

My cousin Debbie’s wedding was today…er, yesterday. So Denis’ parents came up to watch the girls while we went to the reception. We did bring them to the ceremony itself, and Carrie was amazingly good – way better than she is at church!

I have to admit, it was kind of nice to have a few hours off, but when it came right down to it? We mostly talked about the girls while we were gone. I missed my little screaming mimi and my munchkin monster for those few hours, and I was really impressed (and happy) that they were both sound asleep when we got home. There’s nothing like a sleeping child to remind you why you love them so much…

Winter. Blech.

OK, so I realize that we live in a snowy part of the world, but while it’s usually cold in November, we don’t usually get snow – at least not the kind that accumulates – quite so early.

Luckily, I had gone out while Carrie was in school yesterday and gotten her new coat, since her coat from last year has sleeves that are an inch too short this year. And even more luckily, we got a pair of hand-me-down boots from Carrie’s friend Simone. Otherwise, we’d have missed swim class due to insufficient weather-appropriate clothing. We almost missed it anyway because Anna had the biggest diaper blow-out ever, requiring a load laundry, carpet cleaner and half a tub of wipes to get under control…

I hate winter – well, at least in November. And leaky diapers? I hate those all the time.

4 month well-baby visit

Vital stats:
4 months, 5 days old
14 lbs, 5 oz
25 inches

Anna is still pretty much in the 50th percentile for everything, although she jumped up a bit on the height chart. I’m taking that with a grain of salt since I think it’s really hard to accurately measure a squirmy baby!

She had her second round of vaccinations, and although there were tears it wasn’t nearly as traumatic as last time. Carrie also had to get two more shots to catch her up for all the vaccines required for kindergarten next fall, and although she was very, very brave, they hurt very, very much. So there were more tears there.

We wound up giving both girls pain relievers before bed, because Anna was inconsolable and Carrie had a gigantic bruise on her arm from one of the shots and said that it hurt a lot. Poor kid – she says she doesn’t want any more shots ever. Not even when she’s my size.

Four Months Old!

Dear Anna,

Today you are four months old. And I feel like I just wrote your three month letter yesterday, so I’m not sure where the rest of the month went!


This month you’ve learned how to blow raspberries, which you find absolutely hysterical. In fact, you tend to crack yourself up a lot and generally find most of life at least smile-worthy, if not downright amusing.

You are also starting to sort out the people in your life. As in, strangers and people you don’t see all that often tend to make you cry. But you do warm up to people you don’t know rather quickly still, they can’t just get right in your face or pick you up before you’ve had a chance to figure them out.


One group of people that you will always smile at, though, is children – especially babies. You love to look at kids and babies in real life, in books, and even in pictures on my computer! We’ve started reading Baby Faces to you every night before bed, and you just smile and smile at all those baby face pictures – even the ones with the crying babies. And big sister Carolyn is your most favorite person ever, of course!

Somehow I lucked out in the sleep department. You really are an amazing night-time sleeper. Once you go to sleep for the night you’re out for 11 or 12 hours straight. Day time? Not so much. On rare days (usually when we’re out and about and you’re stuck in the car seat) you take a longer nap, but most of the time you sleep for 30 minutes at most, 3 or 4 times a day. Hopefully you’ll become a better napper, but if not, I certainly wouldn’t trade my full nights of sleep for it!


The other day I was changing your diaper, and I noticed how much bigger you are on that changing table than you were when we first came home. And how much more interactive and aware of things you are. And I suddenly realized you’re not a newborn anymore, you’re officially a baby. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it sooner, I guess I’d better start paying closer attention!

Love, Mommy

My Mini Voters

Yesterday I took both girls with me to vote. I was well prepared for long lines and antsy kids, with Anna in the mei tai, a packed-to-the-brim purse backpack with diapers, wipes, crayons and paper, snacks, etc. on my back, and more than an hour extra before we had to leave for our dentist appointments.

Imagine my disappointment when we walked right in, signed the book, and went into the voting booth! (OK, not really. More like relief!) But even though Anna definitely won’t remember, and Carrie probably won’t, I can tell them both that they were in the booth with me for this historic election.

Pink Alligator Birthday Party

It’s a good thing we had an extra hour last night. That’s the only reason the cupcakes are anything approaching “fancy”. It’s kind of sad when you not only see the clocks roll back at 2 AM, but then see them the second time 2 AM strikes. Sigh. But, here is Carrie’s pink alligator cake, plus a cupcake river bordered by grass for her to swim through:


A good time was had by all – if you don’t count a few tears over the piñata. I hate piñatas, but I caved because Carrie really wanted one. At least it used up a bunch of our leftover Halloween candy! We had pizza, grapes and a veggie tray. I think we went through almost three entire cans of olives, and Carrie was only part of the reason why…


Carrie really took my coaching seriously, about reading the card first and thanking the giver before opening the gift – to the point that the other kids were frustrated because it took her so long to get around to the ripping off the paper part!


And now, according to her, she is officially four. (Apparently, it doesn’t count until you have a birthday party!)