It’s a good thing we had an extra hour last night. That’s the only reason the cupcakes are anything approaching “fancy”. It’s kind of sad when you not only see the clocks roll back at 2 AM, but then see them the second time 2 AM strikes. Sigh. But, here is Carrie’s pink alligator cake, plus a cupcake river bordered by grass for her to swim through:

A good time was had by all – if you don’t count a few tears over the piñata. I hate piñatas, but I caved because Carrie really wanted one. At least it used up a bunch of our leftover Halloween candy! We had pizza, grapes and a veggie tray. I think we went through almost three entire cans of olives, and Carrie was only part of the reason why…

Carrie really took my coaching seriously, about reading the card first and thanking the giver before opening the gift – to the point that the other kids were frustrated because it took her so long to get around to the ripping off the paper part!

And now, according to her, she is officially four. (Apparently, it doesn’t count until you have a birthday party!)