Anna was, I think, the perfect age for a first Christmas. Not quite mobile enough to get into everything yet, but interested and engaged and awed by the lights, the colorful wrapping paper, and the fabulous new toys she could put in her mouth. She’s just thrilled beyond words to be able to roll all over and find a new toy wherever she lands that she can drool on and stuff in her mouth for a bit before she gets bored and rolls around in search of something new.

Carolyn got her Handy Manny tools and costume from Santa, and couldn’t be more thrilled with them. She’s been using the old-school Fisher-Price phone that Aunt Jeannie got for Anna to pretend to take fix-it calls (I get to play the caller – usually I have a squeaky baby that needs oil!) She also seems to really like her new Sleep Fairy CD – as in, for three nights in a row now she’s asleep before the CD ends. Oh, how I hope this lasts! And the Tinkerbell movie was also a big hit.

Denis and I? We treated each other to new Wii games: Mario Kart for him and Animal Crossing for me. Because, you know, we have so much free time to play games! But they’ve been a fun distraction at odd moments over the last few days.
All in all, this has been a very fun Christmas, and I’m looking forward to the next several weeks with not much to do or worry about beyond our everyday hectic lives!