It tastes as good as it looks!

We were going to wait another couple of weeks to start Anna on solid food, but she was going to take matters into her own hands – quite literally – if we didn’t start feeding her. Any time I hold her on my lap while I eat she tries to grab whatever it is I’m eating, or sticks her fingers into my bowl or onto my plate and tries to taste food! A few days ago she actually started crying when I prevented her from eating the piece of peanut butter & jelly sandwich she snatched off of Carrie’s plate!
So we decided that a couple extra weeks weren’t going to make that much of a difference, and I stocked up on yummy first foods: avocado, sweet potatoes and rice cereal, and we started with the avocados today. I’ve only ever bought avocado in guacamole form, so I was a little nervous about whether the ones I bought would be the right ripeness, but this seems to have been the perfect avocado.

Anna thought so too!