Polar Opposites

I came to the conclusion pretty early on that my babies were two very different people, but lately I’ve noticed how very, very, different they are. Let’s see…

Carrie’s natural clock would have her go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 8 AM.
Anna’s natural clock would have her go to bed at 7 PM and wake up at 7 AM.

Carrie has always needed a lot of light in her room to go to sleep.
Anna must have her room pitch black to go to sleep. (My current working theory on why she doesn’t nap EVER is because it’s too light outside. My current plan to correct this: move to the North Pole. I didn’t say it was a good plan…)

Carrie learned to roll onto her tummy, and immediately was like “thank God, I can finally go to sleep now!”
Anna learned to roll onto her tummy, and is like “oh my God, I can’t go to sleep now!”

Carrie took bottles of milk straight from the fridge, and to this day would prefer that all food and beverages be room temperature or colder.
Anna must have warmed milk – we’ll see after we start solid foods next month if those will have to be warmed as well.

Carrie is most definitely a soprano. We used to call her our beloved little Nazgul because of all the high-pitched screeching.
Anna is going to be an alto. Or maybe just a quieter child all around…?

It will be fun to see what other absolute differences there are between these two as they get older!

Five Months Old!

Dear Anna,

Yesterday you turned five months old! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone – I alternate between feeling like you just got here and having a hard time remembering a time before you arrived.


If I had written this letter on time, I would have said you were thisclose to rolling over. But today I can tell you that you just learned how to flip from your back to your tummy! And my goodness, were you proud of that little feat, giggling and looking up at me like “look, Mommy, I finally did it!” As soon as you learn how to flip the other way, we’re going to have to re-baby-proof the house…


Right now your most very favorite “toy” is a water bottle. You love, love, love water, especially in bottled form. You’re not quite as fond of being in it for baths as you are of looking at it though. You’ve also really become adept at grabbing toys and bringing them to your mouth, so any small links or light toys are very fun to play with. We have a soft block that has handles and rings dangling off of it that chimes when you shake it, and that’s your favorite actual toy to play with.


You still sleep amazingly well at night, although naps are still elusive. Basically, you only want to take a good long nap whenever we actually need to go anywhere. If there’s a day when we have nothing at all to do and nowhere to go, you barely let me put you down for five minutes. Of course! I’ve given up on getting anything done around the house for the most part. Eventually I’ll have time, right?


In just a few short weeks you’ll be starting to try “solid” food – which is good, because you intently watch anything we put in our mouths and frequently try to grab things off of my plate. I can’t believe how big you’ve grown already, my little baby girl. I can’t wait to see what this next month brings!

Love, Mommy


Happy birthday to meeeee! We had a fairly quiet evening in – just ordered pizza, had cake and decorated the tree. Although in retrospect, giving a four year old cake and then letting her stay up late and expecting her to help hang ornaments on a tree without knocking more off than she put on may not have been the wisest idea.

But now I have a Borders gift card and an iTunes gift card to spend on whatever I want. Happy dance!

Santa Visit

I took the girls to the mall today for their “official” Santa visit. (Carolyn has sat on Santa’s lap several times already. She’s a little obsessed.) Anna did surprisingly well considering a) she had just woken up from a nap and b) she’s pretty concerned about being held by people she doesn’t see nearly every day lately.


Carolyn asked Santa for “Handy Mandy tools, a Handy Mandy tool box and a Handy Mandy costume!” (She insists his name is Handy Mandy, not Handy Manny.) Anna asked Santa for “ah-boo!” Whatever that is.

No Room for Mommy!

I just got home from Christmas shopping. I left after the girls were in bed…or so I thought.

I came in from the garage, and I found Denis’ laptop open on the couch, every light on the first floor on, and the dogs sleeping on the part of the couch not taken up with the laptop…but no Denis. Listen? Silence.

I could see that pretty much every light on the second floor was also on…so I crept up the stairs, and what do you think I found? Denis, Anna and Carrie all sound asleep in my bed – and sprawled over enough of it that I don’t think I’m going to be able to squeeze in. (Note to self: ask Santa for a king-sized bed.)

I feel a little like baby bear in Golidlocks…

Dizzy, Anyone?

The shop has a new online component – a deal of the day website for yarn!

DizzySheep.com - home of the Daily Dizzy Deal


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It’s A Good Thing They’re Cute.

My little petri dishes, that is. I think I’ve been sick pretty much non-stop since Carrie started preschool this fall, and poor little Anna is going to have the most robust immune system ever.

If you’re looking to buy some stock in a company, whoever owns Puffs might not be a bad investment. Just sayin’.